To save money on movies is pretty easy. To save money in the theatre, simply visit, and search for movie coupon codes. This is only effective if you purchase your movie tickets online. To save money on DVDs and Blue Rays, simply visit, and scroll down each page past the groceries until you find a coupon for your favorite movie. The coupons average about $4.00, but I've seen a coupon for $10.00 off a Blue Ray!
Now, to saving money on gas.
If you shop at Homeland like I do, you may already have some gas coupons. Each time you spend over $25.00 at Homeland, you get .05 cents off each gallon. If you spend over $50.00, you get a coupon for .10 off each gallon. If you spend over $100.00, you get a coupon for .20 off each gallon. I think you see the pattern. Now, you may say to yourself "Self, Homeland is really expensive! I'd rather just shop somewhere else and pay full price for my gas!" Here's the deal though, if you are combining sales with coupons, (and Homeland doubles coupons) you're already getting a great deal on groceries, and saving on gas is just gravy! Well wait! There's more! Homeland's gas coupons are good for about six weeks, and you can use UP TO THREE at a time, so you could use them as you get them, or hang on to them until you have three, then get great savings! Last week, I used two. I used a .10 one, and a .05 one. I got $2.62 back. It doesn't sound like much, but those little amounts add up over time.
I'm single and I'm saving,
So I said to myself, "Self?" and myself said "Hmm?". I love you, Single Lady!